Saturday, February 16, 2013

To my young one who mopes

To my young one who mopes :: (with reference to context)

When the chips are down, and you want to drown
in the deepest pools of despair. Hold!
Take a long walk with your favourite music.
Match your pace to the rhythm of the dhol.
Dive into the deepest end of the pool
swim and swim with all your might.

Wink at the stars, grin at the sun,
But please, don’t groan at your plight.

Dance on the grass in merry abandon,
Forget the world's standing still.
Sing your heart out tunelessly in the shower
Let the melody swirl down the drain.
Paint as though it were your last one,
Let the pigments splatter your pain.

Listen to the blues ; listen to jazz
Listen to the Beatles say, “beat it”!!
Go and bake your favourite cake,
And if you can't bake, just eat it!

If after all this, you still want to mope,
Stuff your head in the pillow; have a good cry.
Look like Romeo or Juliet or what's-her-name
But in the name of heavens, say 'tally-ho', don't sigh!
The only 'high spirits' you really need
are those that shine inside your head.
When you are down, just take a bow.
When you are out, just swing it!!

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