Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Photo album

The whiteness
of a teacup nestling in a saucer
Oblivious to its meaning.
The impress on a chair
the presence of an absence,
the non-being of being.
Long fingers holding
a bag like a memory.
Their prints left behind on steel
barks of ancient trees.
The faint imprint of a shoe
on a pale rug
like marks on
the faces of rocks
weathered over time.
Backlit montages
on the transparence of glass.
Ambient light,
the aureole of  black,
are all in the photo album
The totem pole of my being.


  1. Dear Shilpa,
    Loved this one...

    ` the non being of being...'
    `the pale imprint of shoe on a pale rug'


  2. swasti, sometimes the most ordinary imprints are the most profound and life-altering...
